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A Song Is Born: In The Artist's Own Words:
"The edge defines us. The border where time as we know it ends. All that came before is defined by all that will happen after.
What were we racing toward?
What did our time mean? What game did we play? Did we win or did we lose?
Fight for your passion, fight...for your love.
We find meaning in our existence in a multitude of ways, including through Art, Sports, Education, and Love. We pursue activities that foster self expression, discovery, and actualization. We are born equipped with a vast reservoir of energy to dispel across a lifetime, living to define ourselves. Overcoming hurdles, we seek moments of transcendence, love that knows no bounds, and goals worth chasing deep into the abyss of the great unknown.
We learn that regrets don't arise from losing. Regrets rear their ugly heads when we feel we didn't work hard enough, didn't live up to our potential, gave up too easily, or cut corners that cost us the game. Regrets are what darken our edge making it a scary destination.
We are inspired by those who seem to approach their edge fearlessly. Those who storm it full force, or casually meander up to it with self assurance, recognizing it isn't the finish line.
Winning or losing was never the goal, our journey is always more important than its end. Stand by each other, for when we all hold hands, nobody goes over the edge alone...."
LYRICS: World's End
At the end of the world, would you hold my hand Would you stand by me, would you understand When the bell it tolls for the end to come Will you stand by me, watch it come undone
At the end of the world would you run with me At the end of the world would you come to me Cuz i'm never gonna give up this fight I'm gonna be holding on tonight
Raise it up we're screaming loud Raise it up we're screaming loud
There's a champion who lives inside of anyone who tries Don't turn it down, find the will to survive And on the field we'll be running hard Sweatin tears, and crying out our prayers to god